Unlike curb-to-curb services, Medi-Ryde provides door-through-door service. Whether you require ambulatory or wheelchair assistance, our highly trained staff is prepared to accommodate your transportation needs from within your place of residence to check-in at your destination.
Our Destinations
We service local and long-distance transportation originating in Bexar County. Our services include doctor and post-op appointments, dialysis, physical therapy, hospital discharges, chemotherapy, pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation, stroke and rehabilitative services, family functions and personal errands, and more.
Safety & Assistance
- All drivers and staff are COVID-19 vaccinated.
- All drivers and staff always wear a safety mask during pickup and transport.
- We provide door-to-door service.
- We have brand new ADA (American Disability Act) compliant vehicles.
- All of our drivers are trained professionally in CPR/AED and Defensive Driving.
- All vehicles are equipped with first-aid kits.
- Seats and customer areas are sanitized after each customer drop-off.
- Our vehicles are climate controlled and cleaned daily for our client’s comfort.
- Shoulder and lap seatbelts are provided for each passenger’s safety.
- Vehicles are equipped with wheelchair ramps.
- We provide four-point wheelchair tie downs for extra safety.
- Each vehicle is equipped with a spare wheelchair for use by clients.
Transportation Services
- Wheelchair Patient Transportation
- Doctor’s Appointments
- Adult Day Care Facilities
- Dialysis Appointments
- Nursing Care Facilities
- Radiation Appointments
- Assisted Living Homes
- Pharmacy Trips
- Chemotherapy
- Outpatient Surgery
- Family Events
- Shopping Center Trips
- Airport, Bus & Train Stations
- Special Events & Concerts
- Disaster Evacuations
- Military Base Access
Standard pick-up fees plus mileage apply for each transport. Medi-Ryde accepts multiple methods of payment to include all major credit cards, check, or cash. Only approved clients with a Medi-Ryde Agreement will be invoiced for transportation services.
For your convenience, use our online appointment system. The system is designed to increase accuracy and efficiency in scheduling your request. Upon completion, a call will be made to you to confirm pricing and availability. A final reservation confirmation will be provided once we’ve confirmed that our service will be used.
Online requests should be submitted at least 24-Hours before services are required to reserve date and time of transport. Last minute request are acceptable but only based on availability.
How to Inquire About A Reservation?
- Select from the form Individual or Facility
- Complete the Information
- A Medi-Ryde associate will contact you to discuss availability, pricing, and the process.
Call a Medi-Ryde associate at: (210) 868-9972